The privacy settings of a series

In the privacy tab you can set who can see the result achieved by the user.


Why (share data)?

It must be legally stated what happens with the information of the user. For this we usually use the text:
We use your data to measure results and generate personal certificates.


Results visible/ Anonymously/ Result on timeline

By placing the check marks you determine who and where will see the results of the completed course.


With Results visible you decide who can see the results of other people at OTHERS in the app or on the Dashboard in the console. The person will then only see the results of the groups where he or she has this role.

When you want to set the results Anonymous. Imagine that here.

Under Result on timeline, set who you want the result to appear on the timeline.



At the moment there are two options that are fully working.

Option 1: The results are visible to the general manager, HR and the manager. But only the general manager gets to see the result on his timeline.

Option 2: The results are visible to the General Manager, HR and the manager. On the timeline, the general manager sees the results and the participant himself. Usually these are large or important courses, where insight into the results is important.

  • Save the series by going to another tab